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Эта страница поддерживает семантические аннотации в тексте (например "[[Is specified as::World Heritage Site]]") для построения структурированного контента, в который можно делать запросы, обеспечивается Semantic MediaWiki. Для комплексного описания, как использовать аннотации или парсерную функцию ask, пожалуйста, посетите справочные страницы о начале работы, in-text annotation аннотации в тексте и строчных запросах.

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Строка 43: Строка 43:
* resist the tendency to equate format with the underlying creation process;
* resist the tendency to equate format with the underlying creation process;
* understand that different methods of information dissemination with different purposes are available for their use.
* understand that different methods of information dissemination with different purposes are available for their use.
== Information Has Value ==
Knowledge Practices
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation;
understand that intellectual property is a legal and social construct that varies by culture;
articulate the purpose and distinguishing characteristics of copyright, fair use, open access, and the public domain;
understand how and why some individuals or groups of individuals may be underrepresented or systematically marginalized within the systems that produce and disseminate information;
recognize issues of access or lack of access to information sources;
decide where and how their information is published;
understand how the commodification of their personal information and online interactions affects the information they receive and the information they produce or disseminate online;
make informed choices regarding their online actions in full awareness of issues related to privacy and the commodification of personal information.
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
respect the original ideas of others;
value the skills, time, and effort needed to produce knowledge;
see themselves as contributors to the information marketplace rather than only consumers of it;
are inclined to examine their own information privilege.
== Research as Inquiry ==
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information;
determine an appropriate scope of investigation;
deal with complex research by breaking complex questions into simple ones, limiting the scope of investigations;
use various research methods, based on need, circumstance, and type of inquiry;
monitor gathered information and assess for gaps or weaknesses;
organize information in meaningful ways;
synthesize ideas gathered from multiple sources;
draw reasonable conclusions based on the analysis and interpretation of information.
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
consider research as open-ended exploration and engagement with information;
appreciate that a question may appear to be simple but still disruptive and important to research;
value intellectual curiosity in developing questions and learning new investigative methods;
maintain an open mind and a critical stance;
value persistence, adaptability, and flexibility and recognize that ambiguity can benefit the research process;
seek multiple perspectives during information gathering and assessment;
seek appropriate help when needed;
follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information;
demonstrate intellectual humility (i.e., recognize their own intellectual or experiential limitations).
== Scholarship as Conversation ==
=== Knowledge Practices ===
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
cite the contributing work of others in their own information production;
contribute to scholarly conversation at an appropriate level, such as local online community, guided discussion, undergraduate research journal, conference presentation/poster session;
identify barriers to entering scholarly conversation via various venues;
critically evaluate contributions made by others in participatory information environments;
identify the contribution that particular articles, books, and other scholarly pieces make to disciplinary knowledge;
summarize the changes in scholarly perspective over time on a particular topic within a specific discipline;
recognize that a given scholarly work may not represent the only or even the majority perspective on the issue.
=== Dispositions ===
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
recognize they are often entering into an ongoing scholarly conversation and not a finished conversation;
seek out conversations taking place in their research area;
see themselves as contributors to scholarship rather than only consumers of it;
recognize that scholarly conversations take place in various venues;
suspend judgment on the value of a particular piece of scholarship until the larger context for the scholarly conversation is better understood;
understand the responsibility that comes with entering the conversation through participatory channels;
value user-generated content and evaluate contributions made by others;
recognize that systems privilege authorities and that not having a fluency in the language and process of a discipline disempowers their ability to participate and engage.
== Searching as Strategic Exploration ==
=== Knowledge Practices ===
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
* determine the initial scope of the task required to meet their information needs;
* identify interested parties, such as scholars, organizations, governments, and industries, who might produce information about a topic and then determine how to access that information;
* utilize divergent (e.g., brainstorming) and convergent (e.g., selecting the best source) thinking when searching;
* match information needs and search strategies to appropriate search tools;
* design and refine needs and search strategies as necessary, based on search results;
* understand how information systems (i.e., collections of recorded information) are organized in order to access relevant information;
* use different types of searching language (e.g., controlled vocabulary, keywords, natural language) appropriately;
* manage searching processes and results effectively.
=== Dispositions ===
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
* exhibit mental flexibility and creativity
* understand that first attempts at searching do not always produce adequate results
* realize that information sources vary greatly in content and format and have varying relevance and value, depending on the needs and nature of the search
* seek guidance from experts, such as librarians, researchers, and professionals
* recognize the value of browsing and other serendipitous methods of information gathering
* persist in the face of search challenges, and know when they have enough information to complete the information task
[[Категория:Образовательная политика]]
[[Категория:Образовательная политика]]

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