Редактирование: Taxonomy of programming environments for novices

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Строка 15: Строка 15:
; Level 0  
; Level 0  
: Age range 2-7 years. Drag-and-Drop or simpler. Teaches planning (sequence) only. Requires no abstraction. Contains no significant use of: functions, variables, iteration, indexed data structures, conditional execution.   
: Age range 2-7 years. Drag-and-Drop or simpler. Teaches planning (sequence) only. Requires no abstraction. Contains no significant use of: functions, variables, iteration, indexed data structures, conditional execution.   
: Examples: [[Daisy the Dinosaur]], LightbotJR, [[ScratchJR]], [[Piktomir]]
: Examples: [[Daisy the Dinosaur]], LightbotJR, [[ScratchJR]], [[Pictomir]]
; Level 1  
; Level 1  
: Age range 5-10 years. Drag-and-Drop. Requires no abstraction (or small amounts). Contains none or few of: functions, variables, iteration, indexed data structures, conditional execution.   
: Age range 5-10 years. Drag-and-Drop. Requires no abstraction (or small amounts). Contains none or few of: functions, variables, iteration, indexed data structures, conditional execution.   
: Examples: ScratchJR, [[Piktomir]], [[Lightbot]], Kodu, Blockly, [[Hopscotch]], [[Scratch]], [[Tynker]]
: Examples: ScratchJR, [[Pictomir]], [[Lightbot]], Kodu, Blockly, [[Hopscotch]], [[Scratch]], [[Tynker]]
; Level 2  
; Level 2  
: Age range 8-14 years. Drag-and-Drop or textbased. Includes some abstraction. Contains some or most of: functions, variables, iteration, indexed data structures, conditional execution.  
: Age range 8-14 years. Drag-and-Drop or textbased. Includes some abstraction. Contains some or most of: functions, variables, iteration, indexed data structures, conditional execution.  
Строка 40: Строка 40:
The answer to the question of "What makes programming hard?" for the Logo developers was another question. When Logo was first being developed, people didn't know that programming was going to be so hard for so many. Programming was still a curiosity, an activity practiced only by the few who had access to the still-rare machines. The Logo developers asked instead "Why should students program?"
The answer to the question of "What makes programming hard?" for the Logo developers was another question. When Logo was first being developed, people didn't know that programming was going to be so hard for so many. Programming was still a curiosity, an activity practiced only by the few who had access to the still-rare machines. The Logo developers asked instead "Why should students program?"
digraph GL0 {
// node[fontsize="10", nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
node [fontsize="14", fontname="times", nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
rankdir=LR ;
node [URL="/index.php?title=\N"] ;
Lisp -> Logo ;
Logo -> LogoWriter ;
Logo -> Boxer ;
Logo -> "Smalltalk-72" ;
LogoWriter -> StarLogo ;
LogoWriter -> "Moose Crossing" ;
// "Smalltalk-72" -> Squeak ;
// StarLogo -> NetLogo ;
// StarLogo -> "StarLogo TNG" ;
// "StarLogo TNG"  -> "Starlogo Nova" ;
The Logo family of novice programming environments
=== The rule-based family of programming environments ===
Another set of answers to the question "What makes programming hard?" includes "The interface" (as diSessa said) but also "The kind of programming" (as Kay said).
digraph GL1 {
node [fontsize="14", fontname="times", nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
rankdir=LR ;
node [URL="/index.php?title=\N"] ;
Prolog -> AgentSheets ;
Prolog -> Cocoa ;
Cocoa -> KidSim ;
Cocoa -> "Stagecast Creator" ;
Prolog -> ToonTalk ;
The rule-based family of programming environments
=== The traditional programming language family ===
digraph GL1 {
node [fontsize="14", fontname="times", nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
rankdir=LR ;
node [URL="/index.php?title=\N"] ;
Pascal -> Genie ;
Pascal -> GPCeditor ;
GPCeditor -> Emile ;
Emile -> "ModelIT!"
Family of novice programming environments based on supporting traditional programming languages
Family of novice programming environments based on supporting traditional programming languages
Строка 50: Строка 118:
: Caitlin Kelleher and Randy Pausch, 2005
: Caitlin Kelleher and Randy Pausch, 2005
digraph L1 {
node [nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
edge [arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.4, len=1];
//size ="12,12" ;
rankdir=LR ;
"Teaching Systems" -> {"Mechanics of Programming", "Social Learning", "Providing Reasons to Program" } ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Expressing Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Structuring Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Understanding Program Execution" ;
"Social Learning" -> "Side by Side";
"Social Learning" -> "Networked Interaction";
// "Expressing Programs"  -> "Simplify Typing Code";
// "Expressing Programs"  -> "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" ;
// "Structuring Programs" -> "New Programming Models" ;
// "Structuring Programs" -> "Making New Models Accessible" ;
// "Understanding Program Execution" -> "Tracking Program Execution";
// "Understanding Program Execution" -> "Make Programming Concrete";
//"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Models of Program Execution";
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems by Positioning Objects" ;
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems Using Code" ;
// "Simplify Typing Code" -> "Simplify the Language";
// "Simplify Typing Code" -> "Prevent Syntax Errors";
// "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Construct Programs Using Objects" ;
// "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Create Programs Using Interface Actions" ;
// "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Provide Multiple Methods for Creating Programs" ;
digraph L11 {
node [nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
edge [arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.4, len=1.2];
node [fontname="times", nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
rankdir=LR ;
node [URL="/index.php?title=\N"] ;
// size ="12,12" ;
rankdir=LR ;
"Empowering Systems" -> Mechanics ;
"Empowering Systems" -> "Enhabced activities" ;
Mechanics -> "CodeIsTooDifficult";
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" ;
"Demonstrate Actions in the Interface";
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" ;
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Specify Actions" ;
Mechanics -> "ImprooveProgrammingLanuages";
"Enhabced activities" -> Entertainment ;
"Enhabced activities" -> "Education" ;
=== Next step ===
digraph L11 {
node [nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
edge [arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.4, len=1.2];
size ="12,12" ;
rankdir=LR ;
"Teaching Systems" -> {"Mechanics of Programming", "Social Learning", "Providing Reasons to Program" } ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Expressing Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Structuring Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Understanding Program Execution" ;
"Social Learning" -> "Side by Side";
"Social Learning" -> "Networked Interaction";
"Expressing Programs"  -> "Simplify Typing Code";
"Expressing Programs"  -> "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" ;
"Structuring Programs" -> "New Programming Models" ;
"Structuring Programs" -> "Making New Models Accessible" ;
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Tracking Program Execution";
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Make Programming Concrete";
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Models of Program Execution";
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems by Positioning Objects" ;
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems Using Code" ;
"Simplify Typing Code" -> "Simplify the Language";
"Simplify Typing Code" -> "Prevent Syntax Errors";
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Construct Programs Using Objects" ;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Create Programs Using Interface Actions" ;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Provide Multiple Methods for Creating Programs" ;
==== ILes Part I ====
; ILEs
digraph L110 {
node [nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
edge [arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.4, len=1.2];
size ="12,12" ;
rankdir=LR ;
BASIC [shape="box"], AlgoBlock [shape="box"], "Tangible Programming Bricks" [shape="box"], "Moose Crossing" [shape="box"], Blue [shape="box"],  GNOME [shape="box"], MacGnome [shape="box"],  LogoBlocks[shape="box"],  Alice [shape="box"], "Magic Forest" [shape="box"], LegoSheets [shape="box"], Curlybot [shape="box"], Leogo[shape="box"], Pascal [shape="box"], Smalltalk [shape="box"], "Karel J Robot"[shape="box"], "Karel++"[shape="box"],"Atari 2600 BASIC" [shape="box"], Karel [shape="box"],Josef [shape="box"], Turingal [shape="box"], "Robot Odyssey" [shape="box"],  "The Incredible Machines" [shape="box"], AlgoArena [shape="box"], Robocode [shape="box"], "Toon Talk"  [shape="box"];
"Teaching Systems" -> {"Mechanics of Programming", "Social Learning", "Providing Reasons to Program" } ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Expressing Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Structuring Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Understanding Program Execution" ;
"Social Learning" -> "Side by Side";
"Side by Side" -> AlgoBlock ;
"Side by Side" -> "Tangible Programming Bricks" ;
"Social Learning" -> "Networked Interaction";
"Networked Interaction" -> "Moose Crossing";
"Expressing Programs"  -> "Simplify Typing Code";
"Expressing Programs"  -> "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" ;
"Structuring Programs" -> "New Programming Models" ;
"New Programming Models" -> Pascal ;
"New Programming Models" -> Smalltalk;
"Structuring Programs" -> "Making New Models Accessible" ;
"Making New Models Accessible" -> "Karel J Robot" ;
"Making New Models Accessible" -> "Karel++" ;
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Tracking Program Execution";
"Tracking Program Execution" -> "Atari 2600 BASIC";
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Make Programming Concrete";
"Make Programming Concrete" -> "Karel" ;
"Make Programming Concrete" -> "Josef" ;
"Make Programming Concrete" -> "Turingal" ;
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Models of Program Execution";
"Models of Program Execution" -> "Toon Talk" ;
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems by Positioning Objects" ;
"Solve Problems by Positioning Objects"  -> "Robot Odyssey";
"Solve Problems by Positioning Objects"  -> "The Incredible Machines";
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems Using Code" ;
"Solve Problems Using Code" -> "AlgoArena";
"Solve Problems Using Code" -> "Robocode";
"Simplify Typing Code" -> "Simplify the Language";
"Simplify the Language" -> BASIC ;
"Simplify the Language" -> Blue ;
"Simplify Typing Code" -> "Prevent Syntax Errors";
"Prevent Syntax Errors" -> GNOME ;
"Prevent Syntax Errors" -> MacGnome;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Construct Programs Using Objects" ;
"Construct Programs Using Objects" -> LogoBlocks ;
"Construct Programs Using Objects" -> Alice ;
"Construct Programs Using Objects" -> "Magic Forest" ;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Create Programs Using Interface Actions" ;
"Create Programs Using Interface Actions" -> LegoSheets ;
"Create Programs Using Interface Actions" -> Curlybot ;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Provide Multiple Methods for Creating Programs" ;
"Provide Multiple Methods for Creating Programs" -> Leogo ;
==== ILEs Part II ====
digraph L111 {
node [nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
edge [arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.4, len=1.2];
node [fontname="times", nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
rankdir=LR ;
node [URL="/index.php?title=\N"] ;
size ="12,12" ;
rankdir=LR ;
AgentSheets [shape="box"], Pygmalion [shape="box"],  Mondrain  [shape="box"],  ChemTrains [shape="box"], "Pinball Construction Set"  [shape="box"],  "Alternate Reality Kit" [shape="box"],  COBOL [shape="box"], Logo  [shape="box"], Alice98  [shape="box"], Etoys  [shape="box"],  Fabrik [shape="box"], Boxer [shape="box"],  Hypercard [shape="box"], Bongo [shape="box"], Mindrover [shape="box"], StarLogo [shape="box"], Hank [shape="box"],
"Empowering Systems" -> Mechanics ;
"Empowering Systems" -> "Enhabced activities" ;
Mechanics -> "CodeIsTooDifficult";
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" ;
"Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" -> Pygmalion;
"Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" -> Mondrain ;
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" ;
"Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" -> AgentSheets  ;
"Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" ->  ChemTrains ;
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Specify Actions" ;
"Specify Actions"  -> "Pinball Construction Set" ;
"Specify Actions"  ->  "Alternate Reality Kit";
Mechanics -> "ImproveProgrammingLanuages";
"ImproveProgrammingLanuages" -> "Make the Language More Understandable" ;
"Make the Language More Understandable"  -> COBOL ;
"Make the Language More Understandable"  -> Logo;
"Make the Language More Understandable"  -> Alice98 ;
"ImproveProgrammingLanuages" -> "Improve Intereaction with Language" ;
"Improve Intereaction with Language" -> Etoys;
"Improve Intereaction with Language"  -> Fabrik ;
"ImproveProgrammingLanuages" -> "Integration with  Environment" ;
"Integration with  Environment" -> Boxer;
"Integration with  Environment" -> Hypercard;
"Enhabced activities" -> Entertainment ;
Entertainment -> Bongo;
Entertainment -> Mindrover;
"Enhabced activities" -> "Education" ;
"Education" -> StarLogo ;
"Education" -> Hank ;
=== Full taxonomy ===
digraph IL
node [nodesep=2, shape="none", style=""] ;
edge [arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.4, len=1.2];
size ="14,14" ;
rankdir=LR ;
ILEs -> "Teaching Systems" ;
ILEs -> "Empowering Systems" ;
BASIC [shape="box"], AlgoBlock [shape="box"], "Tangible Programming Bricks" [shape="box"], "Moose Crossing" [shape="box"], Blue [shape="box"],  GNOME [shape="box"], MacGnome [shape="box"],  LogoBlocks[shape="box"],  Alice [shape="box"], "Magic Forest" [shape="box"], LegoSheets [shape="box"], Curlybot [shape="box"], Leogo[shape="box"], Pascal [shape="box"], Smalltalk [shape="box"], "Karel J Robot"[shape="box"], "Karel++"[shape="box"],"Atari 2600 BASIC" [shape="box"], Karel [shape="box"],Josef [shape="box"], Turingal [shape="box"], "Robot Odyssey" [shape="box"],  "The Incredible Machines" [shape="box"], AlgoArena [shape="box"], Robocode [shape="box"], "Toon Talk"  [shape="box"], AgentSheets [shape="box"], Pygmalion [shape="box"],  Mondrain  [shape="box"],  ChemTrains [shape="box"], "Pinball Construction Set"  [shape="box"],  "Alternate Reality Kit" [shape="box"],  COBOL [shape="box"], Logo  [shape="box"], Alice98  [shape="box"], Etoys  [shape="box"],  Fabrik [shape="box"], Boxer [shape="box"],  Hypercard [shape="box"], Bongo [shape="box"], Mindrover [shape="box"], StarLogo [shape="box"], Hank [shape="box"], "The Incredible Machines" [shape="box"];
"Teaching Systems" -> {"Mechanics of Programming", "Social Learning", "Providing Reasons to Program" } ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Expressing Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Structuring Programs" ;
"Mechanics of Programming" -> "Understanding Program Execution" ;
"Social Learning" -> "Side by Side";
"Side by Side" -> AlgoBlock ;
"Side by Side" -> "Tangible Programming Bricks" ;
"Social Learning" -> "Networked Interaction";
"Networked Interaction" -> "Moose Crossing";
"Expressing Programs"  -> "Simplify Typing Code";
"Expressing Programs"  -> "Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" ;
"Structuring Programs" -> "New Programming Models" ;
"New Programming Models" -> Pascal ;
"New Programming Models" -> Smalltalk;
"Structuring Programs" -> "Making New Models Accessible" ;
"Making New Models Accessible" -> "Karel J Robot" ;
"Making New Models Accessible" -> "Karel++" ;
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Tracking Program Execution";
"Tracking Program Execution" -> "Atari 2600 BASIC";
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Make Programming Concrete";
"Make Programming Concrete" -> "Karel" ;
"Make Programming Concrete" -> "Josef" ;
"Make Programming Concrete" -> "Turingal" ;
"Understanding Program Execution" -> "Models of Program Execution";
"Models of Program Execution" -> "Toon Talk" ;
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems by Positioning Objects" ;
"Solve Problems by Positioning Objects"  -> "Robot Odyssey";
"Solve Problems by Positioning Objects"  -> "The Incredible Machines";
"Providing Reasons to Program"  -> "Solve Problems Using Code" ;
"Solve Problems Using Code" -> "AlgoArena";
"Solve Problems Using Code" -> "Robocode";
"Simplify Typing Code" -> "Simplify the Language";
"Simplify the Language" -> BASIC ;
"Simplify the Language" -> Blue ;
"Simplify Typing Code" -> "Prevent Syntax Errors";
"Prevent Syntax Errors" -> GNOME ;
"Prevent Syntax Errors" -> MacGnome;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Construct Programs Using Objects" ;
"Construct Programs Using Objects" -> LogoBlocks ;
"Construct Programs Using Objects" -> Alice ;
"Construct Programs Using Objects" -> "Magic Forest" ;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Create Programs Using Interface Actions" ;
"Create Programs Using Interface Actions" -> LegoSheets ;
"Create Programs Using Interface Actions" -> Curlybot ;
"Find Alternatives to Typing Programs" -> "Provide Multiple Methods for Creating Programs" ;
"Provide Multiple Methods for Creating Programs" -> Leogo ;
"Empowering Systems" -> Mechanics ;
"Empowering Systems" -> "Enhabced activities" ;
Mechanics -> "CodeIsTooDifficult";
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" ;
"Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" -> Pygmalion;
"Demonstrate Actions in the Interface" -> Mondrain ;
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" ;
"Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" -> AgentSheets  ;
"Demonstrate Conditions and Actions" ->  ChemTrains ;
"CodeIsTooDifficult" -> "Specify Actions" ;
"Specify Actions"  -> "Pinball Construction Set" ;
"Specify Actions"  ->  "Alternate Reality Kit";
Mechanics -> "ImproveProgrammingLanuages";
"ImproveProgrammingLanuages" -> "Make the Language More Understandable" ;
"Make the Language More Understandable"  -> COBOL ;
"Make the Language More Understandable"  -> Logo;
"Make the Language More Understandable"  -> Alice98 ;
"ImproveProgrammingLanuages" -> "Improve Intereaction with Language" ;
"Improve Intereaction with Language" -> Etoys;
"Improve Intereaction with Language"  -> Fabrik ;
"ImproveProgrammingLanuages" -> "Integration with  Environment" ;
"Integration with  Environment" -> Boxer;
"Integration with  Environment" -> Hypercard;
"Enhabced activities" -> Entertainment ;
Entertainment -> Bongo;
Entertainment -> Mindrover;
"Enhabced activities" -> "Education" ;
"Education" -> StarLogo ;
"Education" -> Hank ;
== TACCC 3  ==
=== Template for a resource review ===
García-Peñalvo, F.J., 2016. Template for TACCLE 3 resources reviewing. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3545033.v1.
Title: The resource title
Description: A short, but significant resource description
Link: Link to the resource if it is available
License: What kind of licensing system the resource has, if available (e.g. if videos are considered rather than software)
Languages: In which languages the resource is available
Target groups: Which are the main target groups of this resource
Known uses: Examples of the use of the resource, it they exist (including videos, text based descriptions, links, etc.)
Pedagogical level: Resource pedagogical level
TACCLE Classification: The classification of the resource taking into account TACCLE ontology (Algorithms, Using logic, Controlling things, Creating and Debugging)
Quality: Perceived quality of the resource [scale 1-5]
Open comments: Reviewer’s comments
Date: Date of the review
==== Examples ====
* Title: Minetest
* Description: Minetest is a near-infinite-world block sandbox game and a game engine, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like.
* Link: http://www.minetest.net/
* License: LGPL
* Languages: English
* Target groups: pre-university and university students
* Known uses: use as a game, use to solve and understand problems related to programming. Examples of its use in education: http://wiki.minetest.net/Mods:Learning; http://wiki.mcrcoderdojo.org.uk/index.php/MineTest
* Pedagogical level: Primary and Secondary students.
* TACCLE Classification: Using logic; Creating and Debugging
* Quality: 5
* Open comments: An open solution to use in education the potential of Minecraft.
* Date: August 6th, 2016
== A Framework for Categorizing [[Block-based Affordances]] (Weintrop & Wilensky) ==
== A Framework for Categorizing [[Block-based Affordances]] (Weintrop & Wilensky) ==
{{#ask: [[Block-based Affordances]] |format=embedded }}
{{:Block-based Affordances}}

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