The Incredible Machine

Материал из Энциклопедия вычислительного мышлении
Версия от 13:34, 27 сентября 2019; Patarakin (обсуждение | вклад)
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Для какого возраста предназначен язык 5, 6, 7, 4
Компетенции в каких сферах формирует Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker
Purpose Мини-язык для обучения
Visual_Text_Blocks Блоки-Иконки
Dimension 2D
Openness Коммерческий
ActiveNow Project is closed
Remixing? No
Год создания

In the Incredible Machine, the player is given a series of Rube Goldberg style challenges. For example, the player may be asked to construct a way to get a ball to fall into a basket. Each challenge includes a short description and all the parts necessary to create the machine described. Players can select parts and position them in the world and then start the simulation to test their machine. When the simulation is running, the parts respond as they would in the physical world. If users run into trouble, they can ask for hints. More advanced users can use a free play mode to create their own machines.

The Incredible Machine: Sierra Entertainment, 1993. [Sierra, 1993]