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  1. Acknowledge they are developing their own authoritative voices in a particular area and recognize the responsibilities this entails
  2. Actively seek performance feedback from people
  3. Analyze age-appropriate data
  4. Appropriation (the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content)
  5. Arranging personnel information into an organizational chart
  6. Articulate personal learning goals, select and manage appropriate technologies to achieve them
  7. Ask questions, suggest solutions, test ideas to solve problems
  8. Become familiar with age-appropriate criteria for evaluating digital content
  9. Begin to transfer their learning to different tools or learning environments
  10. Break a problem into parts and identify ways to solve the problem
  11. Break down problems into smaller parts, identify key information and propose solutions
  12. Break problems into component parts, identify key pieces and use that information to problem solve
  13. Build a network of experts and peers within school policy
  14. Build on the shared vision by collaboratively creating a strategic plan
  15. Build the confidence and competency of educators to put the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators into practice
  16. Collaborate with a teacher to employ appropriate research techniques to locate digital resources
  17. Communicate complex ideas clearly using various digital tools
  18. Communicate effectively with stakeholders to gather input on the plan
  19. Create digital artifacts to communicate ideas visuall
  20. Create original works and learn strategies for remixing
  21. Create original works or responsibly repurpose other digital resources into new creative works
  22. Cultivate responsible online behavior
  23. Define different types of authority
  24. Demonstrate an ability to persevere and handle greater ambiguity as they work to solve open-ended problems
  25. Demonstrate an understanding of how automation works
  26. Demonstrate an understanding of the role an online identity plays in the digital world
  27. Demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is
  28. Demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is and how to keep it private and secure
  29. Demonstrate an understanding that technology is all around them and the importance of keeping their information private
  30. Demonstrate and advocate for an understanding of intellectual property with both print and digital media
  31. Demonstrate and advocate for positive, safe, legal and ethical habits
  32. Demonstrate and encourage respect for intellectual property
  33. Demonstrate perseverance when working to complete a challenging task
  34. Demonstrate perseverance when working with open-ended problems
  35. Determine their role on a team to meet goals, based on their knowledge of technology and content
  36. Develop learning assessments that provide a personalized, actionable view of student progress in real time
  37. Develop learning goals in collaboration with an educator, select the technology tools to achieve them
  38. Develop the skills needed to lead and navigate change
  39. Empower educators to exercise professional agency
  40. Engage education stakeholders in developing and adopting a shared vision for using technology
  41. Engage in a cyclical design process to develop prototypes
  42. Engage in a design process and employ it to generate ideas
  43. Engage in a design process to develop, test and revise prototypes
  44. Ensure all students have access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging learning opportunities
  45. Ensure all students have skilled teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs
  46. Ensure that resources for supporting the effective use of technology for learning are sufficient and scalable to meet future demand
  47. Establish partnerships that support the strategic vision, achieve learning priorities and improve operations
  48. Evaluate progress on the strategic plan
  49. Evaluating whether a database contains appropriately current and pertinent information
  50. Explore a variety of teacher-selected tools to organize information