Lego Mindstorms

Материал из Энциклопедия вычислительного мышлении
Версия от 20:01, 22 апреля 2019; Patarakin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Для какого возраста предназначен язык 8, 9, 10
Компетенции в каких сферах формирует Empowered Learner, Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker
Purpose Мини-язык для обучения
Visual_Text_Blocks Блоки-Иконки
Dimension 3D
Openness Коммерческий
Ancestors LogoBlocks
ActiveNow Project is active
Remixing? No
Год создания

Lego Mindstorms is an educational robotics platform created by Lego. EV3 series is the most recent one among different Lego Mindstorms series. There is a large community of users, which helps users receive help from others in case they have questions. EV3 robots are programmed using a visual programming environment with a drag-and-drop interface. However, more experienced users can program EV3 with text-based popular programming languages such as Java and Python.