Семантический поиск

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  1. Practice and encourage others in safe, legal and ethical behavior
  2. Practice defining problems to solve by computing for data analysis, modeling or algorithmic thinking
  3. Practice responsible use of technology through teacher-guided online activities
  4. Practice the ability to effectively use research strategies
  5. Present content designed for specific audiences
  6. Recognize performance feedback from digital tools
  7. Seek from feedback from both people and features embedded in digital tools
  8. Select and use digital tools to support a design process
  9. Select appropriate platforms and tools to create, share and communicate their work
  10. Select collaborative technologies and use them to work with others
  11. Select effective technology to represent data
  12. Select technology to share their ideas
  13. Share ideas in multiple ways
  14. Students choose different tools for creating something new
  15. Students use technology tools to work with friends
  16. Take on different team roles
  17. Transfer their knowledge and skills to learn how to use new technologies
  18. Understand how technology is used to make a task easier
  19. Understand how to be careful when using devices and how to be safe online
  20. Use a design process to develop ideas or creations
  21. Use age-appropriate digital and non-digital tools to design something
  22. Use age-appropriate technologies to work together
  23. Use collaborative technologies to connect with others, including peers, experts and community members, to learn about issues and problems
  24. Use digital and non-digital tools to plan and manage a design process
  25. Use digital tools and resources, contained within a classroom platform
  26. Use digital tools to interact with others to develop a richer understanding of different perspectives
  27. Use digital tools to work with friends and people from different backgrounds
  28. Use technology to communicate with others
  29. Utilize the features and functions of a variety of creation or communication tools
  30. Work with others using collaborative technologies to explore local and global issues
  31. Формулируют задачи в виде, подходящем для решения с помощью современных технологий