Семантический поиск

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Explore and practice how a design process works to generate ideas
Explore different points of view on various topics
Explore or solve problems by selecting technology for data analysis
Explore real-world issues and problems and actively pursue an understanding of them and solutions for them
Explore real-world issues and problems and share their ideas
Explore real-world problems and issues and collaborate with others to find answers or solutions
Find or organize data and use technology to analyze and represent it to solve problems and make decisions
Identify a problem and select appropriate technology tools to explore
Identify and develop online networks within school policy
Identify types of technologies in their world
Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools
Lead teams to collaboratively establish robust infrastructure and systems needed to implement the strategic plan
Learn about audience and consider their expected audience
Learn about ownership and sharing of information
Learn about various technologies that can be used to connect to others or make their leaning environments personal
Learn how to evaluate sources
Locate and collect resources from a variety of sources and organize assets into collections
Manage their digital identities and reputations within school policy
Model digital citizenship by critically evaluating online resources
Organize information and make meaningful connections between resources
Participate regularly in online professional learning networks to collaboratively learn with and mentor other professionals
Perform a variety of roles within a team using age-appropriate technology
Practice and demonstrate the ability to evaluate resources
Practice and encourage others in safe, legal and ethical behavior
Practice defining problems to solve by computing for data analysis, modeling or algorithmic thinking
Practice responsible use of technology through teacher-guided online activities
Practice the ability to effectively use research strategies
Present content designed for specific audiences
Protect privacy and security by ensuring that students and staff observe effective privacy and data management policies
Recognize performance feedback from digital tools
Recognize that authoritative content may be packaged formally or informally and may include sources of all media types
Seek from feedback from both people and features embedded in digital tools
Select and use digital tools to support a design process
Select appropriate platforms and tools to create, share and communicate their work
Select collaborative technologies and use them to work with others
Select effective technology to represent data
Select technology to share their ideas
Selecting and organizing slides for distinct presentations to different audiences
Set goals to remain current on emerging technologies for learning
Share ideas in multiple ways
Share lessons learned and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders
Simulation (the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes)
Sorting files, emails or database returns to clarify clusters of related information
Students choose different tools for creating something new
Students use technology tools to work with friends
Support educators in using technology to advance learning that meets the diverse needs
Take on different team roles