Таблица оценивания конкурса QNSCC

Материал из Энциклопедия вычислительного мышлении
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Пример оценивания, критери которого могут относиться к проекту независимо от среды, в которой он выполнен. Это мог быть Scratch, а мог быть обычный html

Критерий Высокий уровень (7 8 9 10) Средний уровень(4 5 6) Низкий уровень (1 2 3 4)
Engagement delivers an immersive experience that is likely to attract repeat users competently attracts and engages user's interest Offers limited engagement
Artworks detailed, creative and visually stunning artwork that enhances and complements the project multiple concept with competent execution single or basic concept
Creativity highly original, innovative and shows creative thinking product differentiation present in concept and execution Little evidence of novelty or innovation
Digital media use of multiple media types that adds to user experience. additional media types used (e.g. image, audio, video) No alternative media types used e.g. audio, image and limited animation
Coding well commented code demonstrating many programming constructs, algorithms and problem solving Original project or significant enhancements to existing project. well commented minor undocumented enhancements to existing project
Good Logic The programming options used make sense, work reliably, and are very relevant in terms of their use. The programming options used are effective and clearly formulated Insufficient efficiency in the programming options used.
Completeness Only minor bugs found. clear and concise instructions. evidence of testing Some bugs found. good user instructions Many serious bugs encountred. no user instructions
Levels (7 8 9 10) (4 5 6) (1 2 3)