
Материал из Энциклопедия вычислительного мышлении
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Для какого возраста предназначен язык 9, 10
Компетенции в каких сферах формирует Empowered Learner, Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker
Purpose Мини-язык для обучения
Visual_Text_Blocks Блоки-Иконки
Dimension 2D
Openness Открытый
Ancestors Smalltalk
Descendants Scratch
ActiveNow Project is closed
Remixing? No
Год создания

Etoys is a child-friendly computer environment and object-oriented prototype-based programming language for use in education. Etoys development began and was directed by Alan Kay at Disney to support constructionist learning, influenced by Seymour Papert and the Logo programming language. - Etoys development began and was directed by Alan Kay at Disney to support constructionist learning, influenced by Seymour Papert and the Logo programming language.

Ancestor of Etoys is
Squeak based on Smalltalk
Descendant of Etoys is